Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sunday Reflections - February 23, 2017

Hello Deer Flat

We wanted to give you a few updates on the building project.  First I have some exciting news in regards to finances.  This week we exceeded $.5 million and are now at $501,306!  Wow and to think we have not even broke ground yet.  You are all amazing and your support is not only necessary but greatly appreciated!  As a reminder, our original pledges were a little over $1.6 million and with a few that came in afterward, it increased to about $1.7 million.  In addition to this we have a number of people/companies who have committed products/services to the project totaling an estimated $300,000.  Not to mention those of you who have volunteered your time and skills through the process.  Once again thank you for your commitment to this project and our children.

The weather along with some challenges with septic system has delayed us some.  However, with the help of the architects and engineers we have avoided a couple of potentially very costly requirements.  With these issues now resolved we hope to get back on track soon.
Below I have outlined where we are in the project.

·         The majority of the architectural work is done
o   Awaiting final septic design
o   Awaiting final drawings on the engineered steel structure
o   We hope to submit for permits within about 3 weeks
o   Estimate mid-April for permits
o   Hopeful ground breaking in April

·         Storage building
o   Building and permit has been received
o   Foundation and concrete pad now underway
o   Construction will begin after concrete has cured sufficiently
o   If you are willing to help with assembling this building, please contact:
§  Tim Weber at or 208-867-1601

·         Existing building – we will be making a number of need updates or improvements to the existing building.  Here are some of the things we hope to accomplish
o   Insulate and heat existing shop for better year round use
o   Additional insulation in attic areas
o   Duct work repair/replacement
o   Old exterior doors replaced
o   New weather stripping on existing doors
o   Roof replacement/repair
o   Repainting exterior

Please visit the 2020 Vision page on our website to keep up with the latest information.

Thanks again and have a great rest of the week.  See you Sunday.

Rick Day
Executive Administrator

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Sunday Reflections - February 18, 2017


“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” James 1:5

Across the years I’ve enjoyed reading a variety of Max Lucado’s books.  One of those books, The Eye Of The Storm, included the story of a parakeet that mirror’s a bit of life’s challenges…

 “CHIPPIE THE PARAKEET NEVER saw it coming. One second he was peacefully perched in his cage. The next he was sucked in, washed up, and blown over. The problems began when Chippie’s owner decided to clean Chippie’s cage with a vacuum cleaner. She removed the attachment from the end of the hose and stuck it in the cage. The phone rang, and she turned to pick it up. She’d barely said ‘hello’ when ‘sssopp!’ Chippie got sucked in.
“The bird owner gasped, put down the phone, turned off the vacuum, and opened the bag. There was Chippie– still alive, but stunned. Since the bird was covered with dust and soot, she grabbed him and raced to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and held Chippie under the running water. Then, realizing that Chippie was soaked and shivering, she did what any compassionate bird owner would do . . she reached for the hair dryer and blasted the pet with hot air.
“Poor Chippie never knew what hit him.
“A few days after the trauma, the reporter who’d initially written about the event contacted Chippie’s owner to see how the bird was recovering. ‘Well,’ she replied, ‘Chippie doesn’t sing much anymorc he just sits and stares.’
“It’s hard not to see why. Sucked in, washed up, and blown over . . . that’s enough to steal the song from the stoutest heart.”

Life includes times of testing for sure. All God’s Children get tested. What’s God’s purpose in that?  Why does He allow us to be tested?  Is God the One who always does the testing?  These are great questions and well worth our consideration.

Do you know what the number “10” represents all through the Bible?  TESTING! Let me give you a few examples. How may plagues were there in Egypt? Or, How many times did God test Pharaoh’s heart?  Ten.  How many commandments are there? Or, How many ways is our obedience tested?  Ten.  How many times did God test isreal while they were wandering in the wilderness? And how many times did God test Jacob’s heart

Do you know what the number 10 represents all through the Bible?  Testing. I’ll give you just a few examples.  How many plagues were there in Egypt? Or, how many times did God test Pharaoh’s heart?  The answer is 10.  How many commandments are there? Or another way to say it is, in how many ways is our obedience tested? The answer is 10.  How many times did God gest Israel while they were wandering in the wilderness?  And how many times did God test Jacob’s heart by allowing his wages to be changed when he was working for Laban?  How many days was Daniel tested in the first chapter of his book?  In each case, the answer is, of course, 10.
The pattern continues in the New Testament.  In Matthew 25, Ten Virgines had their preparedness tested.  Ten days of testing are mentioned in Revelation 2:10.  We can see from these examples in the Word that 10 is associated with testing.

We’re getting ready to begin a New Series this Sunday:  THE TEN TESTS OF ABRAHAM.  We’ll be walking with him through the tests he endured.  I’ve an idea that we will have a great chance to learn much from this seasoned saint.  I can’t wait to begin this next trek with you.  This is one of those times to include that friend or family member who is in the midst of life’s difficulties and doesn’t understand that there is an awesome experience for them to grow from.  Be bold enough to invite them.  They will end up thanking you!  I’ll close with this little prayer I read this week.

Dear God, bless my 2017 with turn arounds.  Turn my lack into plenty, my confusion into clarity, my tests into a testimony.  Lord bless my 2017 with breakthroughs, miracles, and change.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

I’ll see you tomorrow!

Pastor D

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Sunday Reflections - February 9, 2017


94% of Adult Christ Followers Made Their Decision BEFORE
The Age of 18

Got a minute? I’d like to chat with you about the kids - The Children of
Deer Flat.

According to The Barna Group, only 6% of adult Christians made their decision to follow God over the age of 18. That means 94% made decisions as children that follow with them throughout their life. Wow. That is encouraging. That means that there is no time like the present to be investing in their young lives.

I know that everyone must decide to follow Christ on their own and, as parents, we know we cannot make that decision for our children. We can, however, expose them to an outstanding environment (Deer Flat Children’s Ministries), where they learn the stories of Jesus, God and the Bible. We can also live a life for God that encourages our children in their own spiritual journey. 

A new study from LifeWay Research reveals that more than two-thirds of young adults who attend a Protestant church for at least a year in high school will stop attending church regularly for at least a year between the ages of 18 and 22.  As students transition from high school into the workforce or college life, they are faced with many choices - including whether or not to stay connected to the church. This makes reaching people while they are children even more important.  Let me give you some of the Best Benefits of having a Vibrant Children’s Ministry:

It promotes their eternal happiness.
It helps them make sense out of life. Only understanding Who made the world, what went wrong and God’s plan to fix it can explain this world we all experience.
It’s their best chance to accept Christ. Research has proven that kids tend to be more receptive to the Gospel than any other age group.
It helps avoid some negative outcomes of sin.
It can help counter balance worldly influences. Everyone knows the harmful influences present in our society. Kids need positive influences to tip the scale.
It can help them learn to love others. The 2nd greatest commandment is to love your neighbor.
It is something fun to do. Do you know who invented fun? God did.
It helps kids want to come to church.
It helps them make new friends.
It helps children get to know their pastors and leaders.
It gives kids some great memories. Those VBS and Sunday School years provide unforgettable moments and truths that last for years to come.
It allows them to make friends with adult volunteers in a safe context. In our culture child safety is a constant concern, and rightly so. But there is still great value in kids finding adult mentors in the church.

There’s far more benefits for Children’s Ministries than these, but you get the idea.  NOW, HERE’S THE DEAL – we ALWAYS need capable volunteers, people who love children and are willing to give some time, love and investment in these little lives that God has entrusted to us at Deer Flat Church.

This is a GROWING group! How exciting! Would you be willing to prayerfully consider being a part of the Deer Flat Children’s Ministry team? We have some urgent needs in the first hour. The opportunities to serve come in a variety of categories. Not everyone who works with the Children are teachers. So, don’t count yourself out so fast. Why not contact our Children’s Ministry leader, Julie Walker?  You can call her or email her and let her know of your interest. You can mark your communication card this Sunday, and Julie will call you. The future of Deer Flat Church is very bright. We expect the church family to continue to grow throughout 2017. We can use some great volunteers. I encourage you to step up and watch what a blessing you’ll be and what a blessing you’ll get!

I can’t wait to see you this Sunday! We have an unforgettable morning prepared for you! I LOVE MY CHURCH!

Loving Him and Loving You!

Pastor D
