Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sunday Reflections - September 30, 2015

Greetings To My Deer Flat Flock,

I seem to be paying more attention these days to the seasons that arrive at various times throughout the year.  I so enjoyed the warmth of summer and appreciated that the majority of the Farmers had enough water for their crops.  I loved the longer days and the ability to graze my way through all of the different fruits that ripened through the summer.  And now it is Fall.

I love the Fall.  I’ll be sipping a Pumpkin latte pretty soon, catching football, watching the leaves change, enjoying a warm fire and the crisp feel of the air.  I have to admit, I feel like this year of 2015 is sweeping by so fast that I can hardly believe we’re knocking on October’s door.  I’m also reminded that we’ve got an outstanding month ahead of us at Deer Flat.  So, let me brief you a bit…

Baptisms – Every time we do this, I’m so touched by those who take this amazing and bold step to go public with their faith, letting the world know they are linked up with Jesus.  Two weeks ago we had another one of the great groups take the plunge.  Children, students, adults – a great mix.  People who have been transformed by our Lord.  It was fantastic!  I’m so proud of all of you who took this tremendous step of obedience.  I rejoiced with you then and I rejoice with you now!  Way to go Deer Flat Family.  We have lots to celebrate.

Special Guests – Most of you know that we’ll be having ERICK STAKELBECK AT DEER FLAT OCTOBER 13TH AT 7 PM.  This is one you don’t want to miss.  Erick is so informative and his information will be amazing.  Don’t pass up the chance to invite someone.  I hope we can fill up the place that evening.  Then, we will be having IDAHO SUPREME COURT JUSTICE DAN EISMANN with us on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8THThis will be a great morning as we honor our Veterans and dispense hope about the future.

We’re in a series on the Names Of God, which I think will make for a really great season for us at Deer Flat.  The way that God has introduced Himself to the world is drenched with insight about Who He is and what His heart is really like.  I’m anxious to tell you about SIX of those amazing names.

I continue to meet so many new people week after week.  THANK YOU FOR INVITING YOUR FRIENDS TO DEER FLAT AND GIVING ME A CHANCE TO MEET THEM!  You guys do an amazing job at this.  I’m so grateful for how God is blessing His Church that sits in the field of dreams.  I am away in New York this week for some meetings, but will be home by the weekend.  I can’t wait to see you Sunday!  Come expecting a great Lord’s Day.  I LOVE MY CHURCH!

For Him and For You,

Pastor D

PS – Don’t forget about the new Ladies Bible Studies on Thursdays at City Pointe. All young moms are invited to join Jill & Paula at 9 am for Mom’s Connect. For more info CLICK HERE

Shelly Henderson will be starting her study on the book Restless on Thursday evenings at 7 pm. REGISTER HERE

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sunday Reflections - September 10, 2015

Hello Deer Flat Family,

We've passed the mid-way point of our week and I'm just now sitting down to scratch out a short note to you.  I have to tell you, I'm still basking in the joy of the tremendous Labor Day Lord's Day at Deer Flat.  Talk about an outstanding morning - this was one more of the many that God continues to give us week after week.  I think we're a bit spoiled, and I blame God for it - AND I LOVE IT and ask Him to continue to bless Deer Flat with His amazing presence.

Believe it or not, you add much to our Sundays.  You come faithfully, expecting something great to happen, and you enter into the worship and time in the Word with an open and hungry heart.  God loves to inhabit that kind of gathering.  And so do I.

I am the most blessed Pastor this side of Heaven!  I loved meeting so many new people and hanging out with my church family.  It made for a great day for me.  Thank you for your faithfulness, for inviting friends and neighbors, and for your heart for Jesus.  You bless me!

September is always a great month around Deer Flat.  We've got a great group of people who are being baptized on the 20th.  We've got a Men's Retreat happening at Camp Cascade during the last weekend of the month.  We've got Celebrate Recovery kicking off a brand new year next Wednesday evening.  What a great time to get connected!  New Life Groups are launching, and a new Sermon Series begins September 27th on THE NAMES OF GOD - PT. 2.

Everything is in full swing - Children's, Student and Adult Ministries.  If you're new to Deer Flat, let me encourage you to get into the Basic's Class, which happens the first 3 Sundays of each month at 11 am in Room 13.  Secondly, get into a Small Group, either a Sunday School Class or a Life Group or both. 

Our College ministry continues to happen Monday evenings at 6 pm at City Pointe, on the Boulevard, and Launch Pad happens at both Caldwell and Vallivue High Schools.  There's no shortage of entry points at Deer Flat.  If you need more information on any of these things or more, please contact us at the Church Office.

I can't wait to see you this Sunday!

Loving Him and You,
Pastor D

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sunday Reflections - September 3, 2015

Greetings To My Deer Flat Family,

It's mid-week and I'm still enjoying the leftovers from last Sunday morning.  What a GREAT morning!  A great topic, a great story, a great response at the close of both services, and a GREAT GOD who understands the unfairness of Life, and wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives.

If you find yourself paralyzed and unable to move forward because you were blind-sided by life, I want to encourage you to read through 2 Corinthians 12.  You're going to get an encouraging word from Paul.  He addresses the issue of, "What if God doesn't change my circumstances?"  One of the possible options you'll hear him describe is the ability to view our situation through a different lens - God's lens.  How God wants to use our experience for His glory and our good.  Think about it.

I was so touched by the sensitivity of the people of Deer Flat as so many responded to the opportunity to be prayed over.  What a great moment in both hours.  The many who responded reminded me again that we all walk through the doors on Sunday looking pretty good on the outside, but so many are hurt, wounded or troubled on the inside.  We ALL remain needy - because God wants us to depend more on Him and less on ourselves.  You're right, it's not always comfortable, but it is a great move.

THIS SUNDAY - I will be speaking about all that's been going on in our world, and the sense of uncertainty that so many live with.  The theme this week is, again, a response to the request of many, "What In The World Is Going To Happen?"  I think you'll find this to be a very informational and meaning morning.  It's one of those topics that is worth inviting your friend or neighbor to check out.

Don't forget - ONE SERVICE AT 10:30 A.M.  FOLLOWED BY LUNCH!  Don't forget to let us know you're planning on staying for lunch so we can be well prepared.  Be sure to include this invitation to lunch when you invite your friends this Sunday.  I'd love to meet them.

September is always a fabulous month around Deer Flat.  Lots of opportunities, great Sundays and fresh encounters with the Living God!  I can't wait to see you this weekend.  Come expecting a great Lord's Day.

Loving You and Him,

Pastor D