Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sunday Reflections - January 28, 2016

Hello Deer Flat Family,

I’m still reminiscing over last Sunday. Talk about a weird morning for me! As so many of you know, our power was out last week, so we weren’t about to have church. I’ve heard from so many of you, and I’ve been so thrilled that the common denominator of our flock is this: "We are so disappointed that we aren’t having church today. We were so looking forward to a great morning!”  This tells me something very important: If Deer Flat Church ever ceased to exist, there would be a true sense of loss. All of that to say, God’s Church out here in the middle of the field of dreams is making a difference!

Our efforts to get the word out to the congregation were quite successful. However there were a few we missed. Here’s some of the comments that came to me this week…
…Pastor Dave, we showed up and thought that the Rapture had happened and we missed it.
…We thought that the Time Change Sunday happened earlier than usual
…We don’t have email
…We don’t check our emails on Sunday Morning
…Can we still leave our offering?
…What church would you recommend we attend today?
…Pastor Dave, we can wear coats – no problem, we can get by with candles – no problem, we can sing without any instruments – no problem, we can get by with no sound and power point – no problem. HOWEVER, if there’s no coffee available, we totally support not having a service!

I’m so glad to tell you that WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO AN OUTSTANDING MORNING THIS SUNDAY AT DEER FLAT CHURCH. In the same way you helped us get the word out about no church last week, help us spread the word about this Sunday to all of those you know would value and appreciate a fresh encounter with the Living God! 

I so missed being with you myself. I can’t wait to see you this Sunday. I was reminded again about how much I LOVE MY CHURCH!

Because we missed last week, would you help us close out January right on track with our financial need for the month? You guys always do an outstanding job of standing by the church financially!  Thank you for your dedicated support and faithfulness. I’m so fortunate to pastor such a great flock of folks like you!

Loving You and Him,

Pastor D

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sunday Reflections - January 20, 2016


I can hardly believe that we’re headed into the fourth week of January. The time seems to be passing me like I’m in the slow lane. But, here’s the deal: We have a chance to seize hold of a year full of opportunities! This is true for you, for me and certainly for Deer Flat Church.

I read a statement early this week that still is impacting me. Here it is: “This year, we will open the book of our life. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is 'A Whole New Year.'"

Did you know that every difficulty, challenge, problem, hardship and disappointment includes a chance for an “upgrade”? It’s true. One of the principles I’ve determined to live by is to endeavor to see my situations from God’s perspective, not mine. My problems are not the issue. My perspective is. I find it interesting that we put such a value on diamonds. Do you know how a diamond is made? Diamonds are made in an environment that has 3 basic elements: Time+Heat+Pressure = Diamond.  God is making an amazing diamond of you!

Can you tell what I’m getting at? Believe it or not, this stuff is all over the Bible. Let me show you just one example. Paul writes to a group of Believers in the city of Corinth. 2 Cor. 4
But we have this treasure (the Gospel) in jars of clay (our fragile, cracked pot lives) to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body… Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
Paul is emphasizing the opportunities that await us in the midst of our challenges. Our focus this month is, “Getting Your House In Order.”  What does that look like for you? What would you like to have happen in your life this year? What would you like to do, to accomplish? What good would you like to attract into your life? What particular areas of growth would you like to have happen in you? What blocks, or character defects, would you like to have removed?
What would you like to attain this year? Little things, big things? Where would you like to go? What would you like to have happen in your friendships and relationally? What would you like to have happen in your family life?
What problems would you like to see solved? What decisions would you like to make? What would you like to have happen in your career?

Write it down. Take some time, and write it down - as an affirmation of you, your life, and your ability to choose. Then lay it before God, and turn Him loose to help you get those things in order.  He’s going to give you many opportunities to become more like Jesus this year. Let’s get serious about this being the greatest year of our lives! Remember, you’re filling the empty pages this year with what you want to write.

I’ll be talking more about this on Sunday. By the way, thank you for doing such an outstanding job inviting friends! I’ve had such a great time meeting so many new people during these weeks of January. I love meeting your friends and neighbors. I can’t wait to see you this Sunday. Come expecting a great day! I love my church!

Pastor D

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Sunday Reflections - January 7, 2016


We all are familiar with special occasions that mark our lives. It may be a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary, an achievement, a promotion or various other things that set that moment apart from the daily routine. Such is the occasion for Pastor Bruce Johnson. As so many of you know, 
Dr. Bruce and Bonnie have given their lives to serving the Body of Christ through pastoring and teaching. Their ministry across the years has been nothing short of significant.

Bruce has served the flock at Deer Flat for over twelve years. His service to the Lord and the people is a beautiful picture of faithfulness. The amount of miles he’s driven, classes taught, sermons preached, funerals conducted, weddings officiated, counseling sessions invested and prayers prayed is probably something that only heaven has recorded. Here’s what I know… it was a lot, and it was done with a servant's heart!

He and Bonnie have been a team and they have given so freely of themselves to care for and shepherd people. Dr. Bruce is transitioning from part time staff to a volunteer shepherd. He is really looking forward to having a chance to write and create good resource materials for teaching and tracts for witnessing. We are most fortunate to have Bruce and Bonnie continue as part of the flock. I have been so grateful for Dr. Bruce’s wonderful, supportive spirit. He’s been an outstanding teammate.

We want to celebrate and appreciate he and Bonnie on Sunday, January 17th in the morning services.  I hope you’ll take this month and let them know what a huge blessing they are and to thank them for their selfless service. All of us are better because of them!

Another special occasion is having Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel with us on Tuesday evening at 
7:00 pm. Jeremy comes to us from Israel. Along with being a Rabbi, Jeremy is also an officer with the Israel Defense Force, an attorney, a father and a husband. He is a sought after speaker and he will be speaking about Current events happening in Israel in view of the End Times. You will find this to be one of those unforgettable evenings. Join me in reaching out and inviting friends and neighbors. There will be an offering taken, so come prepared to give. Childcare for Nursery through Kindergarten will be available!

Finally, every Sunday is a special occasion at Deer Flat. This Sunday is no exception. I can’t wait to see you. Come expecting a great morning.

Loving you and Him,
Pastor D

PS - Just a quick reminder that there are two Financial Peace University (FPU) classes beginning this month. We greatly encourage you to take a look at attending one of these classes to help with "Getting Your House In Order". You will be amazed how great it feels to start getting out of debt. If you would like to attend, please REGISTER HERE.