Hello Deer Flat Family,
I’m still reminiscing over last Sunday. Talk about a weird morning for me! As so many of you know, our power was out
last week, so we weren’t about to have church. I’ve heard from so many of you, and I’ve been so thrilled that the
common denominator of our flock is this: "We are so disappointed that we aren’t having church today. We were so looking forward to a great
morning!” This tells me
something very important: If Deer Flat Church ever ceased to exist, there would
be a true sense of loss. All of that to
say, God’s
Church out here in the middle of the field of dreams is making a difference!
Our efforts to get the word out to the congregation were
quite successful. However there were a
few we missed. Here’s some of the
comments that came to me this week…
…Pastor Dave, we showed up and thought that the Rapture had
happened and we missed it.
…We thought that the Time Change Sunday happened earlier
than usual
…We don’t have email
…We don’t check our emails on Sunday Morning
…Can we still leave our offering?
…What church would you recommend we attend today?
…Pastor Dave, we can wear coats – no problem, we can get by
with candles – no problem, we can sing without any instruments – no problem, we
can get by with no sound and power point – no problem. HOWEVER, if there’s no coffee available, we
totally support not having a service!
I’m so glad to tell you that WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO AN
OUTSTANDING MORNING THIS SUNDAY AT DEER FLAT CHURCH. In the same way you helped us get the
word out about no church last week, help us spread the word about this Sunday
to all of those you know would value and appreciate a fresh encounter with the
Living God!
I so missed being with you myself. I can’t wait to see you this Sunday. I was reminded again about how much I
Because we missed last week, would you help us close out
January right on track with our financial need for the month? You guys always do an outstanding job of
standing by the church financially!
Thank you for your dedicated support and faithfulness. I’m so fortunate to pastor such a great flock
of folks like you!
Loving You and Him,
Pastor D