Hey Deer Flat Family,
I’ve got to tell you, I’m still
celebrating the fact that we have over 2 million dollars and counting committed
for our Children’s Ministry Center - Vision 20/20! God has certainly been at
work helping us with such an overwhelming togetherness as we undertake this
next phase in the life of DF. Plans are
being drawn and the pieces are being put in place to be able to get a “green
light” from the County so we can pull permits and break some ground in early 2017.
A number of you have asked me,
“Pastor Dave, how soon should we start giving towards the project with what we
committed?” Great question! You can start giving any time. If it helps, you can start at the beginning
of the year. Remember, our goal is to
pay for the building within 36 months. Please mark your pledge “Building Project.”
You guys are amazing!
Speaking of amazing, 3 out of the
last 5 weeks we have had over 900 in Sunday attendance. Even better, we’ve got a group of people
being BAPTIZED THIS SUNDAY! Now, that’s
something to celebrate! We are going to
rejoice with those who rejoice at the end of 2nd Hour.
Each of these people are taking a
great step of obedience. Once you step
into the Kingdom of God, the next step is to go public with your faith – AKA
Baptism. We value this greatly at Deer
Flat. If you haven’t taken this step
yet, please sign up for the next Baptism class and “jump in.” It’s one of the greatest things you’ll ever
do as a follower of Christ.
Whatever you do, don’t miss this
Sunday. In just two days we’ll be
continuing working our way through THE BOOK OF JAMES. You’re going to be amazed at what James has
to say about one of the most important issues in everyone’s life. God is up to so many great things at Deer
Flat and the lives of so many who make up the church family. This is a great time to include a
friend. I LOVE MY CHURCH! Can’t wait to see you in just TWO DAYS!
Loving You and Loving Him,
Pastor D