Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sunday Reflections - October 7, 2015

My Dear Church Family,

I hope you’re off to a great week. I am walking this week with the constant reminder that I have the most amazing Master, the greatest LORD, who is willing to take full authority and responsibility for my life as I’ve surrendered it to Him. This is the God we serve who introduces Himself as our Adonai – the One who desires to be in the “driver's seat” of our lives so that He can maximize His blessings and His will through us. What a blessed Master we have!

I have to tell you, I’m really looking forward to sharing another one of God’s outstanding Names this Sunday. I believe you’re going to appreciate having a chance to meet another side of the God we serve. I hope you’ll come expecting a tremendous morning at Deer Flat. Between now and then, I seek your prayers. Here’s what I know about myself, I need a HELPER. I must have God helping me or I’m in BIG trouble. Your prayers play a key role every week of my life. Thank you! It’s perhaps the best thing you ever do for me and for the rest of the Staff and our families.

Let me move quickly to something that I have on my heart. Like you, I find myself waking up every morning to a world that is rapidly changing. There’s almost a feeling that I’m moving into unfamiliar territory. As I hear what’s going on around me, it is creating growing concerns with the people I interact with. The “stuff” that is supposed to happen someday, seems to be happening now.

Most people respond in one of two ways: Either, “Don’t tell me, I don’t want to know. Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na”, and there is a preference of being uninformed. Or, “I want to know so I can live informed and act wisely.”  Both of these can be carried to extremes. 

This is why NEXT TUESDAY EVENING is going to be such an important time for us. As you know Erick Stakelbeck will be with us and he will be speaking about what is currently happening in the Middle East and beyond. Erick is an expert on Middle East Terrorism and has his finger on the pulse of what is happening in Syria, Iraq and Iran. You will find the evening very informative. It will help you to feel informed and equipped in understanding the current events and a glimpse of the future.

Between now and next Tuesday, I want to ask you to do two things: 1) Keep this in your prayers.  Pray for Erick. 2) Would you be sure to invite someone to attend this event with you.  Because this event is brought to us by CHRISTIANS UNITED FOR ISRAEL, we will be taking an offering, so come prepared to give. You guys ALWAYS are so generous – THANK YOU!

I am so looking forward to being with you this Lord’s Day! In the mean time, I’m thanking God for you!

For The Kingdom…

Pastor D

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