Friday, June 24, 2016

Sunday Reflections - June 24, 2016


Hello Deer Flat Family,

I’ll get right to it.  I’ve got a few things worth your consideration…

#1. A Bit of Time For Yourself? I hope you’re going to have a chance to run away for just a bit and catch some rest for your body and soul. I have been enjoying the long days and beautiful sunsets. A bit of vacation is always a plus. I have kept all of our traveling people in my prayers. Get away, and then get back here… because I miss you when you’re gone!

#2. Camps Are Starting – Monday kicks off Middle School Camp. There’s still time to get your kids signed up. These will be life changing experiences for all who attend. Memories will be made that will last forever, and so will the spiritual investment. Please keep these children and students, workers and camps in your prayers. We love seeing our children and youth encounter God!

#3. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT VOTE JULY 10 – As many of you know, we have a very important vote happening in just a couple of weeks. This will determine the direction for our future. I am asking that you prayerfully consider this significant next step for Deer Flat. The relocation of our Children’s Ministry plays a key role in our future with all of those young families we expect will come through our doors. Nothing will be more convenient than for a person to walk into the Church, have the sanctuary on one side, and the children just across the lobby on the other side. This new project will also include doubling the size of the lobby, additional restrooms, a more than adequate kitchen, and an incredible place for the children. Your vote will help us discover God’s will. Your vote will need to include a commitment. We are going to need a 75% positive vote and $2 million in pledged commitments. Cost of the overall project: $3 million.

The entire leadership team of Staff and Board believes that this is the right next step for Deer Flat. It is all driven by need. Each part of this project is so legitimate and it makes such good sense to do this. We are confident that God will provide the need to do this, just like He’s done for 108 years. Thank you for your steadfast faithfulness, generosity, and prayerful partnership in this important decision. And, thanks for helping make this an amazing summer!

Loving You and Him!

Pastor D

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