Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sunday Reflections - July 26, 2016


Sometimes Summer provides a chance to slow down a bit and catch your breath.  It might even provide you with a chance to pick up a good book. Have you ever spent any time getting acquainted with Jesus’ family?  According to the Gospels, He had some brothers and sisters. We don’t really hear much about them. But, there is actually one of his brothers who penned one of the 66 books in the Bible. His name? James.
James grew up as Jesus' kid brother and went from incredulous skeptic to die-hard believer. He became one of the most influential pastors in the history of the world, proclaiming that his big brother was our sinless Savior right up to the day they killed him - it was the only way to silence him.
The Book of James is one of the most exciting parts of the New Testament. It has a hard-hitting punch and is a handbook for daily living. This sometimes catches readers off guard and at the same time gives them many practical insights for life.
We’re getting ready to begin our next series walking through the chapters of James.  I can’t wait to experience this in-depth look with you.  It starts this Sunday.  By the way, this is one of those perfect times to invite a friend or neighbor to a Bible study that will be both encouraging and adventuresome. We begin this week learning about James – quite an amazing fellow.  He’s written a letter that had you in mind – a follower of the Messiah. 
WARNING: James gets quite personal.  Better wear your steel toed shoes!
Let me wrap up here quickly with 2 things:

#1. An outstanding day at Deer Flat was had on Sunday!  All of us who were able to be at church were deeply touched by the way God used our special guest, Philip Zimmermann.  His challenge for us was to join God where He is at work in the dark valleys of our world.  It was a great chance to renew our zeal to partner with the Master in His work during these challenging days of living in a changing world.  Thank you for being the kind of Christ followers that thrive on making a difference!!

#2. We’re running a bit behind in our finances.  We fell just short of our budget in June and a bit shorter this month.  You guys ALWAYS do a great job when it comes to giving and generosity.  Let’s see if we can close the gap and end the month right on track. 

Have a great week!

Pastor D

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