So, I endeavored to watch the debates. It was awkward, difficult and frustrating. I’ll be honest, this political season I’ve
found myself struggling. It’s the
perfect environment to get me stirred up.
Sometimes in the midst of headline news, uncertain
times, and constant debates that affect our future, it's hard to even know
where to begin. I have been so disappointed with more time being spent on
attacks than on substance, policy and a hope filled future. Both candidates
have the ability to cost themselves their own election without any help from
anyone else.
I sense a deep ache in many hearts that cries out for
God's mercy and a longing to see Him heal our land.
We’ve either experienced it or seen it more the past few
months. You watch the news and it
instills fear, cynicism, anger, and worry.
If Candidate A wins, what will happen
to national security?
If Candidate B wins, will moral
character go out the window?
If I vote for a third party, will it
be wasted?
Should I even vote at all?
What is God thinking and what does He
expect us to do?
But in all of the battles, defending our views, or
pointing out differences, we have to ask ourselves one question… Have we
prayed about it as much as we’ve talked about it?
Our problem isn’t new. Because all our leaders are human,
all our past and current leaders have been flawed. And will be flawed in
the future. That’s a given.
When we place complete trust in any
person, we show we’re flawed, too.
Listen to what King David said a thousands of years ago.
“Some trust in chariots and some in
horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” Ps. 20:7
When we trust too much in democracy or a better candidate
or any political party, we too are polishing chariots and grooming horses.
So how can we trust in God instead in
real-life ways?
There’s no magic formula in praying verses and words,
but there is power through the Spirit of God. And there’s power in His
Truth to bring forgiveness, healing, renewal, and restoration - no matter how uncertain
things may seem. God promises that His Word will not return empty, without
accomplishing great things.
Some Important Prayer Points:
1. That our nation would turn
back to God. May God help us. We need him
desperately to renew our hope and restore our land. We need his forgiveness and
healing. May His Spirit sweep across our nation and draw many out of darkness.
May believers everywhere draw close to Him and seek his face like never
“If my people, who are called by
my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their
wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and
will heal their land.” 2 Chron. 7:14
“Blessed is the nation whose God
is the Lord…”Ps. 33:12
2. That we would be faithful in
praying for leaders and those in authority, knowing
that their decisions directly affect us too. May God give them wisdom and
courage as they lead our nation. May He give them a desire to listen for His
voice and follow His ways. May God in His mercy, appoint principled, godly men
and women into positions of authority in our nation.
“I urge, then, first of all, that
petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for
kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in
all godliness and holiness.” 1 Tim. 2:1-2
“When the righteous thrive, the
people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Prov. 29:2
3. That we would recognize God’s
Sovereignty over all. His word reminds us that He is
the One who ultimately has the power to position all those in leadership, and
to remove them. Some may ask, “If God’s going to do whatever He chooses, then
why even pray?” More than anything, God desires our hearts to be set on Him.
And He chooses to work on behalf of His people. His word reminds us there is
great power in prayer as we join together and seek to follow after Him.
It is “God who changes the times
and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and
knowledge to the discerning.” Dan. 2:21
4. That we would not succumb to
worry, fear, or defeat. That we wouldn’t grow so weary
that we just give up and tune out. Our voices are important. Now, more than
ever before. Headline news stories can often incite fear and worry as we think
about the future. We don’t have all the answers. We feel powerless to change
what we believe needs to be changed. We look around us and see dark days and
evil often seems to be winning. But God’s words still remain true in it all.
He’s the Light that breaks through the darkness. He’s the One who sets free and
has the power to restore our nation.
Don’t be anxious about anything,
but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7
5. That our hope would remain in
the Lord. That we would recognize His great Power. That we
would trust Him and believe that He is Able, and nothing is impossible with
Him. He alone is where our real hope is found, not in our leaders, not in the
economy, not in the condition of our nation today, or even in the future of
“Look at the nations and watch--
and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you
would not believe, even if you were told.” Hab. 1:5
“Lord, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make
them known; in wrath remember mercy.” Hab. 3:2
Whoever your
candidate of choice may be, we can rest in this - God has a plan. He's not
pacing heaven’s floors, worried about who will win or what the latest polls
show. He's called us to pray, to be salt and light, and to have a voice. We can
trust that the outcome is in His hands.
Remember this truth on which our nation was founded.
We are "One Nation under God." God never leaves us to fend
for ourselves, wrestling with worry, consumed in fear, or tempted towards hate.
He reminds us He is with us and will help us. He reminds us He hasn’t lost
control, but has a plan, and His purposes will prevail.
Our hope comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and
earth. And He gives us the strength to keep moving forward.
"Find rest, O my soul, in
God alone, my hope comes from Him." Ps. 62:5
“Who have You chosen, Father?
We cannot know.
But Your way is the right way, perfect and good.
If we are under Your judgment, let us be judged.
And if under Your blessing, let us be blessed.
We pray for the next president of the United States,
that You might reveal Your will and purpose, and bless his or her soul.
And we pray for each candidate who falls short of the
Remind us to love our enemies and to pray for those who
persecute us.
Guide us all, as we cast our ballots.
We pray that You might bless us with a David, a Paul,
or a Josiah
And humbly ask that You spare us our just desserts—an
unrighteous leader, an Ahab or a Jezebel.
Yet, Thy will be done. Because Your ways are higher
than our ways.
And Your thoughts, higher than our own we pray that you would heal our land, and shine your face on
us. Our times are in your hands.”
In Jesus' Name,
I look forward to seeing you Sunday for another
outstanding Lord’s Day at Deer Flat.
Between now and the Election, would you endeavor to whisper a prayer
every time you see an ad or a story about politics? I believe it will make a difference.
Loving You and Him,
Pastor D
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