Church Family,
sending this to you today as I am flying to Washington DC. I received a call this past week from
Christians United For Israel (CUFI) letting me know that there was a decision
made by the leadership that it was urgent to send a group of CUFI leaders to
Washington DC. The decision was based on
the recent UN Resolution 2334 which was a very damning decision regarding
Israel. President Obama specifically
directed our UN representative to abstain from the vote. I’ve included the bullet points of the recent
weeks leading up to and including this decision. Thanks for our dear friend, Randy Neal, for
mapping these out. I’m asking you to be
praying diligently for the next 24-36 hours for God’s favor to rest on those of
us headed to Capitol Hill to meet with Senators. Pray that God’s divine favor will precede us
and that the reception will be nothing short of a “God thing.” Take a look at these bullet points, and then
I’ll have a closing note.
“Greetings friends, several have asked for
bullet talking/prayer points on the most recent event that unfolded regarding
Israel, the UN, and the US. I tried very hard to simply state the facts without
commentary, but could not restrain myself on a couple. I hope this is helpful,
Randy”. Western Regional Director for
These bullet points regarding Israel are just the
tip of the iceberg but will help connect the dots of actions and intentions.
They can also be used as prayer points in this increasingly contentious time
for the Jewish State.
* In October 2016, the United Nations
Education Science and Culture Organization’s World Heritage Committee voted by
secret ballot and passed a resolution on the status of the Old City of
Jerusalem, concluding that there are no Jewish historical ties to the Temple
Mount. UN entities, their printed materials, and their public comments will now
only refer to the site by its Arabic name, The Noble Sanctuary, referring to
the al-Aqsa Mosque area.
* Summer/Fall 2016 increasing evidence confirmed
that UN, US, and EU aid to the Palestinian Authority is used to pay stipends to
terrorists in jail for injuring or killing Jews, and to the families of
terrorists killed in the act they were committing.
US House members seek to cease payments to the UN
until incitement for terrorism ends.
* December 23, 2016 (one day before Chanukah) the
United Nations Security Council passed resolution 2334 with 14 of 15 voting
yes, and the US, by order of President Barak Obama, to abstain rather than veto
the resolution. The resolution affirms that all land Israel recaptured in the
Six Day War in June 1967 is legally Palestinian territory and illegally
occupied by Israel. 2334 calls for “a complete cease of all settlement activity
and expansion.” In addition to east Jerusalem and zones in Judea and Samaria,
aka the West Bank, long agreed in all past peace accords to remain part of
Israel in the event of two State solution was forged, the resolution
denies Israel to possess the Western Wall, the Temple Mount, or the Jewish
Full text of 2334:
* Days following UNSC 2334 International
dignitaries, including from the supporting UNSC member nations, denounce the
resolution as biased, one-sided, and a road block to peace. They also denounce
the abstention by the US to be malicious, shameful, damaging to the region, and
politically motivated.
* December 25, 2016 - Senator Lindsey Graham,
followed by Senator Ted Cruz, committed to lead efforts for the US to
withhold its $8 Billion dollar annual funding of the UN until it rescinds UNSC
2334. The US funds 22% of the UN annual budget, far more than any other
* December 28, 2016 Secretary of State John Kerry
gave a 72 minute speech defending the US abstention and choice to not veto. The
majority of the speech criticized Israel as blocking peace by occupying
pre-1967 territory and expanding “settlements”. He had presented a detailed
six-point plan initiate a two state solution.
(It is important to know and to note that the
cornerstone premise legitimizing Kerry’s Two State Peace Plan hinges on the
notion that “there were no Jews living in these areas before 1967”. It
sounds reasonable and compassionate to intervene after 50 years of illegal
occupation . . . if it were true. Mr. Kerry failed to mention that Jews lived
in these areas for thousands of years, until 1947 when Jordan attacked and
captured them, expelling, imprisoning, or killing every Jew in east Jerusalem.
Twenty years later Israel recaptured east Jerusalem, the Jewish quarter, the
Western Wall and the Temple Mount in 1967.
* January 15, 2017 - There are growing concerns
that the Paris Peace Conference, at which dignitaries from seventy nations are
set to assemble January 15, 2017 to discuss how the international community can
assist in expediting a Two State Solution will result in a blue print based
upon John Kerry’s proposal to the UN Security Council for a resolution that
would include an implementation timeline and enforcement mechanisms, possibly
resulting in sanctions against Israel.
It is further concerning that such a resolution
could be presented and voted on before the new US president is inaugurated to
prevent a US veto.
Paris claims no plans at UN:
* January 4, 2017 - Senators Heller, Rubio, and Cruz
seek Congressional mandate to relocate the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to
Jerusalem, an edict approved by Congress in 1995 but delayed by Executive
Waiver by all US presidents since its passing.
* January 5, 2017 - US House condemns UNSC 2334.
* January 2017 - CUFI is preparing to launch a
national campaign in DC and nationally at the grassroots level to support
efforts to undo UNSC 2334 and significantly strengthen the US -Israel alliance
- details are not public until January 11, 2017.
This is a whirlwind trip. I will arrive in DC late this afternoon and
spend the evening in a detailed briefing.
I will be given all of the behind the scenes happenings and hear the
plan presented regarding going forward with these thoroughly thought through
efforts at pulling down this recent resolution.
On Wednesday, some 200 of us will be lobbying every Senator on the
Hill. The appointments have already been
made. We are so fortunate to have both
Idaho Senators, Risch and Crapo, be pro-Israel.
I will fly back home late Wednesday afternoon.
So many of the Deer Flat family share a heart for
Israel and the Jewish people. I couldn’t
be more proud. I know you would want to know about this serious event happening
this week. I look forward to being with
you this coming weekend. Until then, I
rest in your prayers and thank God for the privilege of serving such a great
Deeply Grateful,
Pastor D
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