Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sunday Reflections - February 18, 2016


I just returned this week from walking in the land of the Bible. One of my absolute favorite places in Israel is the northern section, known as the Galilee. While I was there I had a chance to revisit the ancient dust where a guy named Peter lived and walked. I’ve been thinking much about this Peter as I have been reading through his letters that he wrote to first century followers of Jesus, that found their way into our Bible.
Who was he? We know Peter was a fisherman. He was born in a small town called Bethsaida on the lakeside of Galilee, and he moved later to Capernaum, Jesus headquarters, and continued in his occupation. He had a brother named Andrew, and his dad was named Jonah or John. His Hebrew name was Shimón Bar Jonah; Simon, son of Jonah. Even Jesus referred to him as such.
We know that Peter was married. He had a wife. He had a mother-in-law who lived with them, according to Mark, chapter 1. And his wife is also mentioned not only in Mark, chapter 1, but in 1 Corinthians, chapter 9.
Now, if you are making Peter out to be the first pope, that's an interesting fact you're going to have to deal with: because that means the first pope was married. He was also a leader among the twelve. Every time there's a list in the New Testament of the earliest followers of Christ --- Peter is always listed as number one on the list.
So, he was the leader of the twelve, and he is the leader in the book of Acts. In the first twelve chapters of the book of Acts, Peter is the dominate figure. He's the one who starts things. He's the one who initiates things. He was the leader of the pack.
There is more written about Peter in the four gospels than any of the other followers of Christ. In fact, the only other person that is written more about in the four gospels is Jesus himself. But before Peter was ever a leader, before anything was ever written about him, he was first and foremost an ordinary guy who had an unforgettable encounter with the King of Kings that left him forever changed. 
We’ll be taking another look at Peter and his letter to us this Sunday. I can tell you, it’s going to be a great morning! I can’t wait to see you! I’ve missed you much, kept you in my heart and in my prayers. Thank you for your love and faithfulness to Christ and His Church. We’ll close out our morning sharing Communion together at the Lord’s table.
Between now and then, would you take the time to invite someone to experience Deer Flat with you? Especially if you know someone who is dealing with difficult people. You’ll be amazed what Peter has to say about this.
Loving You and Him,

Pastor D

PS - If you are a lady between 18 & 102, don't forget to sign up for Women's Retreat! Registration deadline is February 25th REGISTER HERE

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