Thursday, December 29, 2016

Sunday Reflections - December 29, 2016

                        A New Year And A New Name

Hello Deer Flat Family!

I came across this piece that I thought was worth sharing. Take a look at it…

Happiness depends upon your outlook on life. - Find the good in all situations
Attitude is just as important as ability. - Keep your attitude positive
Passion find yours this year! - Do what you love and you will never work
Positive thoughts make everything easier. - Stay focused and stay positive
You are unique, with special gifts, use them. - Never forget you have talent

New beginnings with a new year.
Enthusiasm - a true secret of success.
Wishes - may they turn into goals.

Years go by too quickly, enjoy them. - Wisdom from your elders, listen
Energy may you have lots of it. - Take care of yourself
Appreciation of life, don't take it for granted. - Live each day
Relax take the time to relax in this coming year. - Keep a balance in your life

As we’ve approached this New Year, I’ve been thinking about the wonderful advantage we have of knowing God, who knows the future. He knows what lays ahead. He knows what we will face. He knows all of the unknown. One of the things we’ve enjoyed over the past few years has been the series on THE NAMES OF GOD. It’s my desire to take us into this New Year with the awareness of some NEW NAMES of God. We will be looking at a number of these amazing names, all of which tell us about the kind of God we serve, who is able to do all things. I know we’re going to have an incredible trek together over these Sundays of January. 

This Sunday I’ll give you an overview and lay the foundation. I can’t wait to share these new names with you. I’ll close with a poem that I think speaks well about having confidence as we head into a tremendous New Year!

His Unfailing Presence
(Author Unknown)

Another year I enter
Its history unknown;
Oh, how my feet would tremble
To tread its paths alone!
But I have heard a whisper
I know I shall be blest;
"My presence shall go with thee,
And I will give thee rest."

What will the New Year bring me?
I may not, must not know; will it be love and rapture,
Or loneliness and woe?
Hush! Hush! I hear His whisper;
I surely shall be blest;
"My presence shall go with thee,
And I will give thee rest."

Don’t forget: ONE SERVICE AT 10:30 am 

Loving You and Loving Him,

Pastor D

PS – A sudden and unexpected passing of one of our congregants who lost her husband less than two months ago, has left their doggies needing a forever home. If you have it in your heart to love on these special members of their family and would like to take them in, please call Jessi at 459-3845 or 880-2897.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Sunday Reflections - December 21, 2016

Dear Church Family,

It’s hard to believe it’s Christmas time again already. What’s even a bit more challenging is that this is our 5th Christmas together at Deer Flat.  How is that even possible when we just arrived here two weeks ago? Well, Christmas provides a unique opportunity each year for all of us to re-visit the past year and see God’s goodness, and perhaps do some re-focusing as we look forward.

Not only are we reminded of the awe-inspiring, world-changing, 
life-altering gift that is Jesus; but we are also reminded of our need for this Jesus to heal us in our brokenness. This is indeed why he came. To bring peace between God and man. This is why the angels declared triumphantly “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14   

As a new year approaches, I want to challenge us as a church to impact this world for good. People are in great need, and more than ever. You see it and so do I. We can still make a difference! We need to be people of prayer, faith, righteousness and compassion. We need to love each other and love God above all else. I don’t know about you, but I really want to live more full for Christ in 2017 than ever before.

What an exciting year it has been for Jer and I and the whole Staff! By God’s grace we have had an outstanding year at Deer Flat. God has blessed this congregation in virtually every area of ministry we have.  These past almost 5 years have been so full, so meaningful and so fun - it just makes us look at the future with tremendous anticipation about what God has in store for us together.

For Jer and I, we have sure felt the love of all of you who make up the Deer Flat Family. I’m especially grateful for your kindness and love that you extended with the loss last month of Dad, and just bathing us in your prayers. I know that the whole Staff joins me in saying that you all have been a HUGE blessing to each of us, and we are thanking God for a chance to serve you here at this amazing place!  Please continue to pray for us as we boldly move into an adventuresome future.

Now, May you be filled with the wonder of Mary, the obedience of Joseph, the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the determination of the magi, and the peace of the Christ Child. God bless you now and forever.”  Amen!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Pastor D, Jer and the entire Staff of Deer Flat Church!

Can’t wait to see you this Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Sunday Reflections - December 15, 2016


We’ve heard about it most all of our lives. This little place called “Bethlehem”. It is still very intriguing to me that I’ve been able to visit there a variety of times over the years. I’m probably more fascinated this year than ever before. The significance of this little town is no small thing.

It’s located just 5 miles south of Jerusalem and its name means “House of Bread”. We all know that Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus, but what is the bigger significance of this little town? It is a city in the hill country of Judah that was originally called Ephrath and shows up clear back in Genesis, but it was also called Bethlehem Ephratah by the Prophet Micah, and “the City of David” in Luke 2.
The first mention of this tiny place in the Bible is the place where Jacob buried his wife Rachel, who died in child birth. Her burial site is still marked to this day, right alongside the road going into Bethlehem. Just to the east where the fields lay was the scene of the story of Ruth. 

Bethlehem was also the birthplace of David and the place where he was anointed king by the Prophet Samuel. And, for whatever reason, it was distinguished above every other city as the birthplace of the promised Messiah – The Bread of Life.

It is the relationship of Bethlehem to Christ that has really put it at its highest visibility. The old prophet Micah was understood to indicate that the Messiah, like David, would be born in Bethlehem not Jerusalem. Three of the Gospel writers, Matthew, Luke and John, all report that Jesus was born in that humble village. Flash forward three centuries, during the reign of the first Christian emperor of the Roman Empire. It was under Constantine that the Church of the Nativity was constructed. It was destroyed during the Samaritan revolt around AD 529 and rebuilt between 527-565. That ancient structure forms the basic unit that is still in use today although many modifications have occurred, especially during the Middle Ages.

I love what Max Lucado says about Bethlehem, “God knows what it’s like to be a human. When I talk to him about deadlines or long lines or tough times, he understands. He’s been there. He’s been here. Because of Bethlehem, I have a friend in heaven. Because of Bethlehem, I have a Savior in heaven.”

Christmas begins what Easter celebrates. The child in the cradle became the king on the cross. And because he did, there are no marks on my record. Just grace. His offer has no fine print. He didn’t tell me, “Clean up before you come in.” He offered, “Come in, and I’ll clean you up.” It’s not my grip on him that matters but his grip on me. And his grip is sure. So is his presence in my life. God is always near us. Always for us. Always in us. We may forget him, but God will never forget us. We’re forever on his mind and in his plans. He called himself ‘Immanuel’ which means ‘God with us’.

I can’t wait to tell you more about this amazing little place when we’re together this Sunday at Deer Flat. Come expecting an outstanding morning.  I look forward to being together with you!

Merry Christmas!

Pastor D

PS - Is God calling you to serve Him abroad? Deer Flat is taking a trip to Cuba June 2-10, 2017. Join us for an informational meeting which will lay out the trip details and show you how to sign up for the trip this upcoming Sunday, December 18th after 2nd service in the downstairs Youth Room, #25. The final day to register for the trip is January 22nd. Have questions? Please call Heather at 899-0586 or Martin at 353-2500.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Sunday Reflections - December 8, 2016


Hello Deer Flat Family,

We’re eight days into the month, and maybe you’re not totally done shopping.  I’d like to take a moment to provoke your thoughts.  It’s been on my heart over the past couple of months to target a “selfless” Christmas.  What does that mean and what does that look like?

It’s so easy for us to be consumed with ourselves.  We live in a world that is over the top with self-centeredness.  When you step back from the commercialism of Christmas, you realize that the thrust is about considering “others.”  This was and still is the heart of the very Savior that left Heaven and all the joys of it, and took on flesh and blood, determined that he would serve and give His life as a ransom for many. 

You don’t have to look very hard or very far to see the overwhelming needs that surround us in the lives of others.  I’m wondering how different it would be if you (and if you have a family) thought about being intentional about make this a selfless Christmas.

Donating is easy to do and it makes a big difference. You can donate time, talents or money.  Donate to a charity, donate clothes to a homeless shelter or donate food or toys to needy families this holiday season.  Volunteering is one of the single greatest thing you can do during this season.  Perhaps adopting a family for the holidays. Fixing a meal, scratching out some notes of encouragement, or stopping by to visit the forgotten person who is at the care center.  This and so much more awaits anyone who wants to get out of themselves and become a “go giver.”

Whatever you do, don’t miss this Sunday!  I’ll give you two great reasons…

First hour – 3 special guests – YOU CAN’T MISS THIS.  You’re going to be given one of the greatest opportunities to make a tangible difference in someone’s life, perhaps like never before. I’ll be sharing this amazing invitation through these special guests whom you’re going to love.  It’s a great morning to include someone!  Amazing music and amazing guests await you.

Second hour – The Children’s Christmas Program.  This is ALWAYS a huge part of December at Deer Flat.  Julie and her team have been preparing for weeks and now the big day arrives.  Bring your family, your camera and your friends.  It’s going to be full of life and GREAT NEWS!

I can’t wait to see you this Sunday!  Come expecting a tremendous morning.  Let’s capitalize on these Sundays of December together!  I LOVE MY CHURCH!

Pastor D